all postcodes in IP12 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP12 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP12 3AA 4 0 52.020552 1.378722
IP12 3AB 3 1 52.02365 1.36353
IP12 3AD 2 0 52.037538 1.352702
IP12 3AE 4 0 52.026243 1.367837
IP12 3AF 3 0 52.017988 1.390877
IP12 3AG 2 0 52.024415 1.407533
IP12 3AH 35 0 52.011986 1.417475
IP12 3AJ 21 0 52.012059 1.418064
IP12 3AL 24 0 52.012713 1.40759
IP12 3AN 7 0 52.012551 1.4187
IP12 3AP 27 1 52.008106 1.42161
IP12 3AQ 6 0 52.024793 1.411921
IP12 3AR 2 0 52.007487 1.420267
IP12 3AS 11 0 52.004128 1.416745
IP12 3AT 1 0 51.99606 1.410841
IP12 3AU 3 0 51.994801 1.404305
IP12 3AW 13 0 52.008309 1.418653
IP12 3AX 9 0 51.991685 1.395036
IP12 3AY 7 1 51.990152 1.394919
IP12 3AZ 1 1 51.989621 1.399614